The 10 Step Process
1. Request the survey to receive your link.
2. Before sending the SPBD link to staff, discuss it with them. This includes
classified staff, teachers, and certificated support personnel. Discuss the
purpose; logistics; confidentiality; SPBD research & development; and most
importantly, the use of the survey data (i.e., How is it not a waste of their time?)
3. Send the link to all staff who work directly with students (e.g., teachers,
classified, certificated support personnel).
4. Provide the time, space, & technology to complete it (20 minutes).
5. Check the numbers, and send out a reminder. Strive for a representative
6. A day or two after your survey close date, receive the SPBD data report. After
you receive your report, check to see how many responded and by role.
7. Review the quantitative data. Check for trends and indicators of areas of
success and areas in need of more growth. Review the "facilitators and
barriers" page.
8. Review qualitative data. These data can help contextualize, explain, or
"diagnose" problems, identify unexpected strengths, and provide additional
9. Determine how, when, and where you will share these data with staff, along
with how you intend to identify priorities from these data alongside of data
from other sources (e.g., students, climate, and implementation).
10. Act on the data through training and implementation decisions. Review these
session slides for suggestions. If encountering resistance, consider the function.
What is the person trying to communicate by resistance? Consider: climate
issues such as stress & norms; systems issues such as leadership & resources;
and implementer/individual issues such as knowledge, skills, & ideology