Dr. Laura Feuerborn is a Professor at the University of Washington Tacoma (UWT), a Faculty Fellow in Social Emotional Learning, and a Nationally Certified School Psychologist. Dr. Feuerborn is a co-developer of the Staff Perceptions of Behavior and Discipline (SPBD) and the Student Perceptions of Behavior and Discipline (StPBD), tools that help schools mobilize staff and student voice to implement and sustain positive practices in behavior supports. Dr. Feuerborn is also a co-author of several social emotional learning (SEL) programs, research articles, and books, including the Strong Kids & Teens programs (Brookes Publishing) and the Second Edition of SEL in the Classroom (Guilford Publishing). Feuerborn has been a faculty in the School of Education at UWT since 2006 and seeks culturally and contextually-informed partnerships with practicing educators, schools, and communities. Feuerborn teaches graduate-level courses in the School of Education including SEL, behavior supports, and systems change.

Dr. Ashli Tyre is a Professor and Director of the School Psychology at Seattle University. Dr. Tyre has a Doctoral degree in Educational Psychology/ School Psychology from Northern Arizona University. Her research agenda is devoted to school wide applications of positive behavior intervention and supports (PBIS). Since 1999, Dr. Tyre has worked with school staff to implement PBIS as a means of creating positive school environments that support the social and emotional needs of all students. Her work is specifically devoted to the engagement of school communities in the educational change process.