Recommended Consultants & Trainers
In addition to the supports that we offer as developers of the SPBD tools, we recommend the following consultants and trainers for additional support.
These consultants are highly-trained facilitators; familiar with the SPBD tools; and available to support your team in multiple ways, e.g., facilitating data-centered discussions with staff and using the data for action planning and implementation.

Kathleen Beaudoin, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at University of Washington Tacoma where she teaches graduate courses in emotional and behavioral disabilities and classroom management. She has over 30 years of experience in special education, working primarily to support youth with emotional and behavioral disabilities and providing pre-service and in-service training for their teachers and the paraprofessionals who work with them. Dr. Beaudoin has worked to implement school-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in both rural and inner-city school settings since 1995. She also consults with schools to support staff in the areas of classroom management and positive behavior intervention planning. Her research interests center on working with educators to improve services for students with challenging behavior. Her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Special Education is from the University of British Columbia.

Bella Bikowsky, Ph.D. is a Child & Adolescent Clinical Therapist and an Educational Staff Associate Certified School Counselor with a Ph.D. in Educational Counseling/Psychology. Bella has diverse experience in the education and mental health fields spanning 20 years. Over her career, Bella has gained clinical experience working in long-term residential treatment centers as well as at Seattle Children’s Hospital in their inpatient psychiatric unit. Additionally, Bella has been a school counselor in the Seattle Public Schools as well as a Counselor and Behavior Specialist in the Edmonds School District. Bella is also a part of Brooks Powers Group, an Educational and Psychological Assessment team in the Seattle area as well as Sound Supports, an educational consulting company focused on building systems through a 3-tired model—Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). Bella has extensive knowledge working with school teams and districts in helping to create systemic change using the Multi-Tiered Systems approach capitalizing on evidenced-based interventions such as Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, Restorative Justice Practices, Trauma-Informed and Culturally Responsive Practices, Social-Emotional Learning, Mental Health integration into the school systems, and Function-Based Assessments and interventions.

Lori Lynass, Ed.D. has 22 years of experience working to support student, families and schools. She has worked directly with over 1,000 schools, in over 100 districts and 3 state departments of education on their implementation of academic and behavioral systems of support. Dr. Lynass’ previous career have included being a special education teacher, a research scientist at the University of Washington and the executive director of the NorthWest PBIS Network. Dr. Lynass has overseen and coordinated grants related to academic and behavioral systems and interventions in schools and also actively disseminates results through presentations and publications. Dr. Lynass has taught courses in Special Education as an adjunct professor for the University of Washington, Seattle University and Seattle Pacific University.

Lisa Hoyt, Ph.D. is a state and national consultant providing technical assistance and professional learning for schools and districts around Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) implementation and proactive practices serving students with challenging behaviors. Currently Dr. Hoyt supports many school districts in their implementation of district-wide systems design in building positive behavioral supports. Previously Dr. Hoyt was the Lead PBIS Coach for Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction in the State of Washington in supporting schools in the lowest 5% in the state in achievement. From 2006-2016 Dr. Hoyt was the founding Principal of Renton Academy, a K-12 therapeutic public school for students with significant behavioral needs. She led the development of evidenced based systems and structures to best serve students with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities (EBD) both academically and behaviorally. The school was recognized by the Council of Exceptional Children (CEC) as a host site for their national conference in 2009. In 2011, Dr. Hoyt was honored nationally from the Council for Children with Behavior Disorders with the Outstanding Professional Performance Award for her leadership. Lisa Hoyt has served as an adjunct professor at the University of Washington, Seattle University, and Seattle Pacific University. She is on the board of several non-profits including Treehouse for supporting children and youth in foster care. Areas of expertise include but are not limited to, Positive Behaviors Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities (EBD), Special Education, Behavior Management, Classroom/School Structures and Systems, School and Special Education Leadership, and Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports.
Some of our related, peer-reviewed research
Please contact Dr. Laura Feuerborn to request full manuscripts. [email protected]
Feuerborn, L., Tyre, A., & Zečević, M. (2019). Factor validation of the Staff Perceptions of
Behavior and Discipline (SPBD) survey. Remedial & Special Education, 40, 32-39.
Tyre, A. & Feuerborn, L. (in press). Ten common misses in PBIS. Beyond Behavior.
Tyre, A., Feuerborn, L. & Beaudoin, K. (2019). A qualitative exploration of middle school
teachers’ concerns for implementing the principles of SWPBIS. Journal of Positive
Behavior Interventions, 1-12.
Feuerborn, L., Tyre, A, & Beaudoin, K. (2018). Classified staff perceptions of behavior and
discipline: Implications for schoolwide positive behavior supports. Journal of Positive
Behavior Interventions, 20(2), 101-112.
Tyre, A., Feuerborn, L., & Woods, L. (2018). Staff concerns in schools planning for and
implementing schoolwide positive behavior interventions and supports. Contemporary
School Psychology, 22(1), 77-89.
Tyre, A. & Feuerborn, L. (2017). The minority report: The concerns of staff in opposition to
SWPBS efforts in their schools. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation.
27 (2), 145-172.
Feuerborn, L. & Wallace, C., & Tyre, A. (2016). A qualitative analysis of middle and high
school teacher perceptions of schoolwide positive behavior supports. Journal of Positive
Behavior Interventions, 18, 219-229.
Feuerborn, L. & Tyre, A. (2016). How do staff perceive schoolwide positive behavior supports?
Implications for teams in planning and implementing schools. Preventing School Failure:
Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 60(1), 53-59.
Feuerborn, L., Tyre, A., & King, J. (2015). The Staff Perceptions of Behavior and Discipline
(SPBD) Survey: A tool to help achieve systemic change through schoolwide positive
behavior supports. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 17, 116-126.
Feuerborn, L., Wallace, C., & Tyre, A. (2013). Gaining staff support for schoolwide positive
behavior supports: A guide for teams. Beyond Behavior, 22(2) 27-34.
Feuerborn, L. & Chinn, D. (2012). Teacher perceptions of student needs: Implications for
positive behavior supports. Behavior Disorders, 37(4), 219-231.