SPBD Survey Overview
The Staff Perceptions of Behavior and Discipline (SPBD) is a research-based tool for use by PBIS planning and implementing schools. The SPBD survey is used to gather information from school staff to help school teams implement schoolwide PBIS. The SPBD helps teams understand staff beliefs about behavior and discipline, including their beliefs about schoolwide expectations, school climate, and supports and resources. Understanding staff perceptions enables schools to better involve staff, guide professional development and support implementation of schoolwide PBIS. Click here to request the survey.
How to use the SPBD survey
The SPBD survey and data report are available for use free of charge. School leaders request the survey and receive links to distribute and manage the online administration of the survey. After staff respond to the survey, a data report is generated that aggregates and summarizes the data, identifies potential facilitators and barriers to PBIS implementation, and provides considerations for school PBIS planning teams.
How the SPBD can help your school
Teams are encouraged to use the SPBD survey to assess and evaluate the concerns and philosophies of staff members related to behavior and discipline. The SPBD will help your team understand the needs of your staff and school system to facilitate implementation and prevent resistance or barriers to implementation. Teams can use the SPBD survey at any stage of implementation. Using the SPBD prior to implementing schoolwide PBIS is useful in guiding planning decisions. Using the SPBD during implementation of schoolwide PBIS helps promote a cycle of continuous improvement and sustained implementation.
The 5 Major Domains of the SPBD
The SPBD survey was developed by Drs. Laura Feuerborn at the University of Washington, Tacoma, and Ashli Tyre at Seattle University. Employing quantitative and qualitative survey methods, it assesses 5 domains and 4 critical indicators.

- Factor I. Teaching and acknowledging expectations
- Factor II. Systems: Resources, supports and climate
- Factor III. Implementation integrity
- Factor IV. Philosophical views of behavior and discipline
- Factor V. Systems: Cohesiveness and openness to change
The SPBD also measures 4 areas critical to the successful implementation and sustainability:
- Knowledge and skills
- Professional development
- Commitment and support for PBIS
- Communication in the school
At the end of the survey, open-ended questions allow staff to voice their specific concerns about implementing schoolwide PBIS in their job role as well as their views of the strengths and needs of the school.
SPBD Survey Data Reports
We have provided examples of SPBD survey data reports for your review.
SPBD Reliability & Validity
To read about the technical adequacy and development of the SPBD, please see the following publications:
- Feuerborn, L. Tyre, A., Zecevic, M. (2019). Factor validation of the Staff Perceptions of Behavior and Discipline (SPBD) survey. Remedial and Special Education, 40(1), 32-39.
- Feuerborn, L., Tyre, A., & King, J. (2015). The Staff Perceptions of Behavior and Discipline (SPBD) Survey: A tool to help achieve systemic change through schoolwide positive behavior support. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 17(2), 116-126.
More research can be accessed here.